Living (and loving) Life
Do you often find yourself needing to make a quick stop at the market to pick up a few grocery items when you’re in a hurry to get to someplace else?
If so, you probably always try to snag the empty parking space that closest to the entrance.
And that’s certainly understandable since the closer you park, the quicker you can get inside and start shopping for the items you need.
But truth be told, you’ll almost always get back on the road quicker if you skip the closest parking space and park near the closest shopping cart return corral instead. Here’s why…
I know some folks just leave their cart sitting in the middle of the parking lot, but you probably don’t.
That’s great, but it means regardless of where you park you’re going to have to return your cart to the nearest cart return corral before you can hop in your car and leave.
If you park near the store’s entrance you’ll have to first load your groceries into the car and then push the cart to the nearest corral before walking all the way back to your car.
However, if your car is parked near a cart return you can simply transfer the groceries to your car, then push the cart into the corral and drive away almost immediately!
And parking near the closest cart return has another benefit as well…
When you look for the empty parking space that’s closest to the store you’ll often find that there are no close spots in that aisle, so you end up driving down another aisle until you find an open parking space. What a huge time-waster!
Since there’s almost always an empty space in close proximity to every cart return corral, you’ll usually be able to quickly park your car and get inside the store in a jiffy.
Makes sense, right?
Now I know some folks don’t like parking right next to a buggy corral because of the possibility of getting their cars dinged by a careless shopper, and that’s certainly understandable.
If you’re one of those folks simply choose an empty space that one or two spots removed from the corral and all should be fine.
And now, to finish up, here’s a fantastic short video that discusses several ways to save money on your groceries during these inflationary times. Check it out!
Note: As always, you can watch the video at full screen by clicking the “square” icon that will pop up in the lower-right corner of the video after it begins playing.