Like their Scandinavian neighbors, the people of Sweden inhabit one of the most beautiful, and most challenging regions on our vast planet.
Short, bright summers and long, dark winters make Swedish life interesting for sure.
There are weeks during the summer in which the sun’s glow is always visible because it never quite slips below the horizon.
And in winter there are weeks in which you’ll hardly see the sun at all.
Personally, I couldn’t imagine living there, although I would love to visit some time. However, there are plenty of folks who love it and wouldn’t want to live anywhere else.
Case in point: The lady featured in today’s short video loves her Swedish homeland and everything about it, harsh winters and all. And she makes a pretty good case for why she feels that way.
I invite you to watch and enjoy as she details her life in Sweden while also showcasing some of the world’s most beautiful natural scenery.
Note: You can watch this video at full screen by clicking the little “square” icon in the lower-right corner of the video after it begins playing.