Living (and loving) Life
If you have a portable generator you know how handy they can be when the power goes out.
Unfortunately, you also probably know how noisy they are.
Well, I’m going to let you in on a little secret that isn’t generally known about noisy generators…
You can greatly reduce the amount of noise they generate by enclosing them in something that will absorb and block much of the noise.
Back in my Army Signal Corps days my unit used generators on a regular basis, and those generators were a LOT larger and louder than the home units that most of us are familiar with.
I’m taking generators that produced 60,000 watts or more of electricity and were towed from one place to another by a truck.
One of the first things we would always do after arriving in the field was “bury” our generators.
We didn’t literally bury them, of course. What we did was dig a hole in the groud that was large enough to hold the generator.
The earthen “walls” of the hole would muffle the sound the generator created. And it would muffle it a LOT.
Of course I’m not recommending that you “bury” you own portable generator in order to dampen the noise. That simply wouldn’t be practical.
But guess what? There’s a very simple alternative that works quite well considering what little effort and expense goes into it.
I could explain what to do right here, but the short video below will let you see how it’s done with your own eyes.
And don’t worry, this method won’t take up a lot of your time. Once you have the materials on hand it literally takes just a few seconds.
Check it out!
Note: You can watch this video at full screen by clicking the little “square” icon in the lower-right corner of the video after it begins playing.
Pretty simple, right? And yes, it really works!
The only precaution I would mention is the need to make sure the generator has adequate air flow to prevent it from over-heating on you.
Other than that, you should be good to go!