Living (and loving) Life
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If you’re like most people you probably believe bottled water is safer to drink than tap water, but is that really true?
Contrary to conventional wisdom, the answer is often no.
A large and growing number of doctors now say the quality of tap water is equal to most brands of bottled water, and actually superior to many of them.
What’s more, most of the bottled water you’ll find on the store shelves is really just plain tap water that’s been bottled for retail sale.
Let me state that another way…
When you buy bottled water the odds are quite high that you’re actually buying tap water and paying up to 2,000 times what you’d pay for the exact same water that comes out of your kitchen sink!
But bottled water tastes better than tap water, right?
Truth be told, some brands of bottled water actually do taste better than tap water. The thing is the best tasting water isn’t necessarily the safest.
That great tasting and very expensive bottled water is quite possibly worse for your health than the bland-tasting water that comes out of your tap.
Why? Because tap water doesn’t contain the harmful chemicals like BPA and various carcinogens that are often released into the water from many plastic water bottles.
Think of it like this…
You probably have a favorite beverage that tastes absolutely delicious to you.
But as awesome as that favorite beverage tastes, is it just as healthy for you as pure drinking water? In the majority of cases the answer is probably no.
And so it goes with bottled water. Some varieties can taste better than tap water, yet be much more likely to make you sick.
As you can see, the conventional wisdom on the relative safety of bottled water vs. tap water is skewed at best.
Bottom line: If you want the highest quality drinking water you can get, skip the store-bought bottled water and fill a high-quality water filtering pitcher with tap water to produce your own pure and great tasting water.
You’ll end up with healthy drinking water and you’ll also save a ton of money while helping keep one-use plastic water bottles out of the landfills.
Want more proof of the dangers of drinking bottled water? Watch the short video below – it’s a real eye-opener.
Note: As always, you can watch the video at full screen by clicking the “square” icon in the lower-right corner of the video after it begins playing.