Living (and loving) Life
Question from Jack: I was researching an idea I had for generating my own electric power when I saw something that piqued my interest.
It was a YouTube video of a guy demonstrating a gadget he had built that supposedly creates free energy that will never run out.
In the video it appeared that the machine worked like he said it would, but I’m not convinced that it’s real. Do you think it could be?
I did a search and found a bunch of other videos demonstrating the same basic thing.
My question is, do those free energy devices really work? If they do I’d love to build one but I don’t want to waste a lot of money building one if they don’t.
Rick’s answer: That’s a great question Jack, and you were very wise to ask it before spending money on the parts to build one of those gadgets.
To be blunt, each and every one of those videos claiming you can generate free energy that never runs out is a scam.
For centuries folks have been trying to create a “perpetual motion machine”, with absolutely zero success. I’m afraid the quest for free perpetual energy is probably destined to always end with the same result.
Every method of producing energy has to have some other source of energy to get the process started and keep it going over time, otherwise it’s destined to fail like the long-sought perpetual motion machines.
For example, a gasoline engine needs gasoline. A steam engine needs fire and water. A nuclear reactor needs nuclear fuel rods. Solar panels need sunlight. Even an old-style reel-type lawnmower needs someone to push it.
I could go on but you get the picture.
Of course there’s always a possibility that science and innovation could some day prove me wrong, but I sincerely doubt it.
Note: Solar panels are capable of producing free energy for many years after you have made the initial purchase for the equipment, but they still need sunlight in order to create that energy.
Likewise, windmills and waterwheels can do the same but they require moving air or water in order to work their magic. In other words, they require an external source of energy (sunlight, moving air or moving water) to kickstart the process and keep it going.
I don’t have the expertise required to adequately explain why the free energy machines “demonstrated” on YouTube can’t possibly work, but a really smart guy by the name of Jeremy Fielding explains it quite well in the short video below.
Note: You can watch this video at full screen by clicking the little “square” icon in the lower-right corner of the video after it begins playing.