Living (and loving) Life
In my humble opinion, Niagara Falls is one of the most intriguing natural wonders in all the world.
Consider the following, and let it sink in…
According to the official Niagara Falls State Park website, a mind-boggling 681,750 gallons of water goes over just the the Horseshoe Falls section of Niagara each and every second.
Yes, you read that right. Well over 1/2 million gallons flow over just the Horseshoe Falls section of Niagara every second of every day!
Not in a day. Not in an hour. Not even in a minute.
That’s every second!
What’s more, another 75,750 gallons flow over the American and Bridal Veil sections every second as well.
Those two amounts added together come to 757,500 gallons.
That means over 3/4 of a million gallons of water flow over the entirety of Niagara Falls every second of every day!
But you didn’t ask how much water flows over the edge in every second. You asked about an entire day.
Let’s do a little math…
There are 86,400 seconds in a day.
757,500 gallons of water flow over Niagara Falls every second.
If we multiply 86,400 by 757,500 we get 65,448,000,000.
That means almost 65 and a half billion gallons of water flows over Niagara Falls during every 24 hour time-span!
Notice that I said billions, not millions.
Since 1 billion equals 1,000 million, that equates to roughly 65,500 million gallons of water flowing over the precipice of the world’s most famous waterfall each and every day!
Pretty incredible, right?
To finish up, here’s a fascinating video showcasing the incredible beauty and mind-blowing immensity of Niagara Falls. Check it out!
Note: As always, you can watch the video at full screen by clicking the “square” icon that will pop up in the lower-right corner of the video after it begins playing.