Living (and loving) Life
“Don’t wait. The time will never be just right.”
–Napoleon Hill
Every now and then I’ll hear someone say something like this:
“I’ve always wanted to do so-and-so, but I never could find the time.“
Each and every one of us will go to our grave with unfulfilled wishes and at least a few things remaining on our “bucket list”, simply because we never “found” the time to do some of the things we most wanted to do.
After all, life is hectic. And at times it can be really tough.
There are days, weeks and months when it seems like it takes everything that’s within us just to remain in place without stumbling backwards.
But there are also times when things are going great. It’s during those times when we can make good on the promises we have made to ourselves.
Everything we place on our to-do lists is given a priority, even if we don’t realize it.
And as you probably know, we tend to do the things we rank highest in priority while putting off the other things “until the time is right”.
Well, as Mr. Napoleon Hill so wisely said, the time will never be just right to do the things we really want to do.
There will always be another class to teach, another lawn to mow, another burger to flip, another house to build, another crop to harvest…
What there very well may never be is another opportunity to do the things you really want to do.
Life truly is like a vapor, and yours could well be gone much sooner than you think.
When you go to bed at night, do you lie there and contemplate…
- All the things you really want to experience in life?
- All the things you want to accomplish?
- All the things you want to do that are on your bucket list?
Well the time to get started on those things is now.
Even if you can’t drop everything and hit the road tomorrow morning, you can at least get started on the planning. And the planning is often the most difficult part of any task. Get that out of the way and you’re half-way there.
While right now might be a terrible time to head out of town or take time away from work, a good time will come, and probably fairly soon. Take advantage of that time.
Again, it’s all a matter of priorities…
We all tend to do the things that are highest on our list of priorities, and the highest things on that list might not be the most important things in the grand scheme of things.
Perhaps it’s time to rearrange that list and put the things you really want to do closer to the top?
To finish up, here’s a fantastic short video talking about the importance of fighting off procrastination. Check it out.
Note: You can watch this video at full screen by clicking the little “square” icon in the lower-right corner of the video after it begins playing.