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Like so many others, I’ve suffered from intense heel pain for many years.
Mine started way back in my Army days when I would have to shift my weight to the sides of my feet while standing in formation because the pain in both heels was so very intense.
Well, I managed to make it through those times, but the heel pain didn’t get any better after I left the service. In fact, it actually got a lot worse.
Any time I stand in place for more than a minute or two my feet start hurting so bad I have to either start walking or find a place to sit.
I’ve tried every kind of orthopedic insert I could find, but nothing ever seemed to help. But that all changed a while back while I was walking around my local Walmart store.
As I was walking past the pharmacy I noticed a display rack filled with Dr. Scholl’s inserts.
At first I didn’t pay much attention because I had tried every kind of insert they had (or so I thought), and none of them have ever helped.
But just as I was about to walk on by, one particular insert caught my eye…
This one was labeled Dr. Scholl’s PLANTAR FASCIITIS Pain Relief Inserts, and I didn’t remember ever seeing it before.
I picked one up and started reading the symptoms it treats and it didn’t take long to realize they were talking about the exact kinds of pain I’ve been suffering with for decades.
I decided it was worth a try so I bought a pair of those inserts and took them home and put them in my shoes.
Since I had already tried every kind of insert known to man with no relief, I didn’t have very high hopes for these. But hey, for $12 bucks it was worth a try.
The next day I went back to Walmart and started walking around the store to give the new inserts a try.
Usually about 15 to 20 minutes on that hard concrete floor is all it takes to get my heals to really screaming at me, but that day I walked for well over an hour before I realized that my feet weren’t hurting.
And during that hour I had even stopped a couple of times and stood in place for several minutes to talk to some friends I happened to run into.
Standing in place for just a couple of minutes would usually trash my feet for the day, but thanks to my new inserts it didn’t!
After I left Walmart I went to Lowes and walked around in there as well. I’d say my Lowes visit lasted at least half an hour.
By the time I left Lowes my feet had started to hurt just a little, but the pain was nothing like what I had always felt after spending just a few minutes on a concrete floor.
Of course it’s only been a couple of weeks so I can’t say if this blessed relief is going to last. But I can tell you that the relief is very real, and it started immediately after I placed the new inserts in my shoes.
And after doing a lot more walking the inserts are still working their magic.
My fingers are crossed on this one. Hopefully these amazing Dr. Scholl’s PLANTAR FASCIITIS Pain Relief inserts will keep on working their magic on my feet.
And trust me, magic is exactly what it seems like after suffering from intense heel pain for decades!
If you want to give these inserts a try you can get a pair at Walmart for about $15 or so. And of course Amazon has them as well.
Regardless of where you get them, make sure they are labeled “Dr Scholl’s PLANTAR FASCIITIS Pain Relief”.
I also recommend that you check out this short clip from the “The Doctors” TV show that discusses the causes of and possible treatments for PLANTAR FASCIITIS.
Note: As always, you can watch the video at full screen by clicking the “square” icon that will pop up in the lower-right corner of the video after it begins playing.