Chances are you’ve never heard of Steve Feltham unless you have a keen interest in finding the Loch Ness Monster.
You see, that’s exactly what Mr. Feltham did for about half of his adult life.
This true story began when Steve was a mere 7 years old…
That’s when the Feltham family visited Loch Ness Investigation Bureau, a group of “researchers” that meet every summer to search for the famous creature in the waters of Loch Ness. He has been fascinated with the topic ever since.
In 1991 Mr. Feltham decided to begin searching for “Nessie” full-time, and for 24 years he remained on constant look-out for just a quick glimpse of the legendary creature.
I guess this proves there’s someone out there who can become totally consumed with most any topic imaginable, including a mythical water creature!
In 2015 Mr. Feltham finally reached the conclusion that the Loch Ness Monster doesn’t actually exist.
He now believes “Nessie” is nothing more that a giant catfish…
To finish up, here’s a short video that bills itself as “The Real Story Behind The Loch Ness Monster“. Check it out!
Note: As always, you can watch the video at full screen by clicking the “square” icon that will pop up in the lower-right corner of the video after it begins playing.
Sources: Nessie Hunter and The Daily Mail