Living (and loving) Life
Does your family cook (and eat) a lot of ground beef, turkey or some other type of ground meat?
If so, I have a simple tip that can save you lots of time in the kitchen and storage space in your freezer…
Life is short - begin every day with a smile!
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Living (and loving) Life
Does your family cook (and eat) a lot of ground beef, turkey or some other type of ground meat?
If so, I have a simple tip that can save you lots of time in the kitchen and storage space in your freezer…
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Living (and loving) Life
These days it seems like there’s an athletic shoe made for virtually every kind of physical activity.
For example, we have “tennis shoes”. We have “runners”. We have “walkers”. And we even have “dancers”.
Well, for many years we’ve also had “sneakers”!
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Like most people, I’m sure you’re familiar with the term “color blindness”.
In a nutshell, people who are color blind have difficulty distinguishing between certain colors.
Lots of people are color blind. In fact, millions of Americans (including yours truly) have a red-green deficiency (the most common form of color blindness).
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Question from Delaney: I was just wondering how many websites there are on the Internet today? I know it has to be an astronomical number.
Rick’s answer: You’re right, Delaney. It is an astronomical number.
In fact, the researchers at Internet Live Stats estimate that there are nearly 2 billion of them.
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Living (and loving) Life
Question from Carla: My husband just bought a roll of electrical wire at Lowes for a remodeling job we’re doing on our home, and it cost an arm and a leg.
That got me to wondering why house wiring is made out of copper instead of aluminum even though aluminum would probably be a lot cheaper than copper? [Read more…]