If we Americans travel north we just might eventually encounter Spotted Lake.
And yes, “Spotted Lake” really is its actual name.
As you can see in the photo, this incredibly intriguing lake is aptly named because it’s surface really is spotted.
Life is short - begin every day with a smile!
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If we Americans travel north we just might eventually encounter Spotted Lake.
And yes, “Spotted Lake” really is its actual name.
As you can see in the photo, this incredibly intriguing lake is aptly named because it’s surface really is spotted.
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“Every great advance in science has issued from a new audacity of imagination.”
-–John Dewey
If there’s one person in history that this quote fits to a “T”, it’s Marie Curie. [Read more…]
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Back in September 1966 a whimsical tune from The Byrds hit the airwaves. It was titled “Mr. Spaceman” and it was quite different from most of the popular songs of the day.
In a nutshell, Mr. Spaceman is the tale of extra-terrestrial visitors paying nightly visits to the singer’s local neighborhood.
But instead of the fellow being terrified of the aliens, he asks for a ride in their spaceship. Sadly, that request isn’t granted but the song is up-beat and leaves you feeling better none-the-less. [Read more…]
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Living (and loving) Life
Chances are you’ve been warned about the danger of using electrical appliances near a bathtub or swimming when a thunderstorm is in the area.
Well, there’s a good reason for that warning…
If an appliance or a lightning bolt were to come into contact with water you could be easily be electrocuted if you happen to be in contact with the water when the electrical current strikes it.
But what if I told you the water involved in such an electrocution isn’t really what facilitated the deadly shock?
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If you enjoy listening to music, you probably like a variety of different songs, for a variety of reasons.
Some songs are inspirational and uplifting.
Others tell a story that reaches through the speakers and touches you in some way.
And of course, some are just plain fun to listen to.
The Travis Tritt hit “Where Corn Don’t Grow” is one of those rare songs that connects on all three of those levels. [Read more…]