Living (and loving) Life
Did you know the U.S. used to have $1,000 bills in circulation?
Truth be told, we’ve even used larger bills than that in the past…
Life is short - begin every day with a smile!
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Living (and loving) Life
Did you know the U.S. used to have $1,000 bills in circulation?
Truth be told, we’ve even used larger bills than that in the past…
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Most people know Jana Jae as “the girl with the magic blue fiddle” on “Hee Haw”, one of the longest running syndicated programs in television history.
As one of the most popular members of Buck Owens’ iconic band “The Buckaroos”, Jana grew quite a large fan following via her weekly Hee Haw musical performances and comedy skits.
But truth be told, there’s a lot more to the Jana Jae story than just her appearances on Hee Haw. [Read more…]
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Living (and loving) Life
As you probably know, the California Gold Rush created tremendous wealth and made lots of people rich, but not all of them got rich the way you might suspect.
One of the most famous men to earn a literal fortune during the Gold Rush was Levi Strauss, whose name is no doubt quite familiar to you.
And like so many of his “Gold Rush” contemporaries, Mr. Strauss didn’t earn his incredible fortune by mining or panning for gold.
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Living (and loving) Life
Today is a very special day here in the United States of America.
Yes, it’s the 4th of July. But it’s so much more than that.
July 4th by itself would be just another date on the calendar.
Just another hot, sticky summer day with folks doing whatever they do on any other hot, sticky summer day.
But July 4 is special because it’s the day we Americans celebrate our nation’s independence and the freedoms we all enjoy because of it.
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Living (and loving) Life
“There is no exercise better for the heart than reaching down and lifting people up.“
-–John Holmes
Have you ever had the opportunity to help someone who desperately needed some form of assistance?
And if so, did you take it?
If you did I’m willing to bet the experience ended up making you feel just as good as the person you helped.
Life being what it is, virtually every time we’re around other people we’re presented with opportunities to help someone.