Living (and loving) Life
Are you an animal lover that’s currently looking for a new pet?
If so, I’d like to urge you to consider adopting your new family member from an animal shelter instead of buying it from a pet store.
Life is short - begin every day with a smile!
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Living (and loving) Life
Are you an animal lover that’s currently looking for a new pet?
If so, I’d like to urge you to consider adopting your new family member from an animal shelter instead of buying it from a pet store.
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Living (and loving) Life
“A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies. The man who never reads lives only one.“
-–George R.R. Martin
In a previous post I wrote about the greatest gift I ever received from my dad.
Today, I’d like to expand on that theme a bit.
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Living (and loving) Life
Have you ever wondered why the U.S. capitol is located on the east coast instead of somewhere near the middle of the country?
Well, there’s actually a very good reason, and you can probably guess what it is…
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Living (and loving) Life
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to hear nothing but silence from the time you were born till the moment you passed on?
Or what it would be like to see the world and everything in it in black & white, with no ability to “see” color at all?
For various reasons, some folks are born completely deaf and others are born completely colorblind.
But thanks to modern technology many of those people are now able to experience the things they have been missing out on since the moment they made their entrance into the world. [Read more…]
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Our amazing planet has a number of natural features that are so incredible it’s hard to believe they actually exist.
Many of these exotic natural features are popular tourist attractions that draw thousands of visitors every year.
Others are so remote that only the most daring and/or the most wealthy among us will ever have an opportunity to see them in person.