Living (and loving) Life
“There’s no blueprint for how to be successful. Everyone’s path is unique because meaningful success is something different to everyone.”
–Lyn Christian
Do you have a friend, a relative or a neighbor who seems to have reached the absolute pinnacle of success?
Yeah, we all do.
But guess what? In that person’s mind they might not be successful at all. At least not yet.
Do you know someone else who seems just the opposite? Someone who goes to work every day doing the same repetitive job, day in and day out, apparently earning just enough money to barely get by?
Although it might not seem that way to others, that person might well believe they have found success beyond their wildest dreams.
Maybe they just love their job. Or maybe their primary goal in life is helping people, even though the things they can do to help don’t pay all that well.
Success isn’t an absolute. Everyone has their own definition of what success means to them. [Read more…]